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What originally attracted you to the IZEA community and how did you find about it?

I had actually heard about it from someone who was advising me on different ways to work with more brands.

What inspires you to blog?

The reason I love blogging so much is because I genuinely enjoy inspiring others. By creating daily content, I am not only able to inspire others, but also share with them fashion tips, sales, beauty products and other trends they might not know otherwise.

Do you ever get stumped for what to write? How do you overcome this?

Oh, of course I get stumped! Sometimes when I feel this way I step away from my computer and go do something else. It’s weird but it eventually just comes to me.

What is the coolest thing your blog has helped you do?

Meet so many amazing people I would never have met otherwise.

What do you love about IZEA?

I love the various opportunities as well as the team that I get to work with when creating content.

What has been your favorite IZEA campaign?

Brooks Brothers.

How do you actively stay engaged with your audience?

I always respond and listen to what they want to see from my blog.

What tips can you give other bloggers that can help set them apart and stand out?

Be yourself. Readers want to visit your blog because they want to see how you dress.

Complete this thought: If I could, I would…

Travel and create content for the blog full time.

Congratulations, Amy! We are excited to have you as our March Creator of the Month, and can’t wait to see what you wear next! Follow along with Amy’s Style at Dallas Wardrobe!