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There was a time when Google was thought of as the best place for customers to find information about a business online. Well, not anymore.

Facebook’s recent announcement about the introduction of its newest Graph Search feature changes the way that customers search for, connect with and engage businesses online.

To learn more about Facebook’s Graph Search check out this video.

Facebook is still rolling out this new feature — currently you can search people, places and things – but as it becomes more refined it has huge potential for helping small business owners attract new customers.

Impact on Small Businesses

Regardless of whether your business involves food, construction, blogging or whatever, Facebook’s Graph Search is going to change the way that potential customers find you online.

Because people value opinions and trust recommendations from friends and family more than any other form of advertising, the opportunity for gaining referral customers with this new feature is huge!

Imagine the potential when friends of your customers can simply search:

  • Restaurants my friends like…
  • Construction companies my friends recommend…
  • Blogs my friends follow…

Soon, all of these searches will return listed results based upon the likes, mentions or check-ins from their friends’ Facebook profiles. Graph Search gathers this information in real time!

Can you see the power of this feature? It’s basically a customer referral goldmine! It’s the word of mouth advertising for the digital age.

As this feature continues to roll out it will be critical for business owners to make even stronger efforts to become more social on Facebook and interact with past, present and potential customers.

By being ready to take advantage of this new and unique search engine, you will be able to positively impact the way you connect with customers and improve your business outlook.

About the Author
Grant Tilus is an Inbound Marketer for Rasmussen College. He enjoys creating superior content and blogging about college programs ranging from an internet marketing degree to business degrees. Feel free to connect with Grant on Google+.